GWFM Industry Academia Conclave

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GWFM Conclave on Collaborative & Innovative Industry-Academia Partnerships: Fostering Employability & Sustainable Economic Growth."

We are thrilled to extend an invitation to you for the upcoming GWFM Conclave on “Collaborative & Innovative Industry-Academia Partnerships: Fostering Employability & Sustainable Economic Growth.”

The GWFM Conclave will gather leading minds from academia, industry, and government to explore the transformative power of collaboration and innovation. We will delve into strategies for building bridges between these sectors, empowering talent, and achieving sustainable economic growth.

Key Highlights:

  • Keynote Speeches: Gain insights from industry experts on collaborative innovation and sustainable growth.
  • Panel Discussions: Engage in dynamic discussions with thought leaders, explore best practices, and discover innovative solutions.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with professionals who share your vision for a brighter future.

Award Presentation: Celebrate outstanding achievements in collaborative partnerships, employability, and sustainable growth.

Best Experienced Speakers

Best motivational & keynote speakers for Industry Excellence Best Practices and tools Awards and WFM Leadership achievement awards

Ava Charlotte

Molestiae non

James William

Dolorem eum

Grace Amelia

Tempora inci

Upcoming Events

Checkout Industry Excellence Best Practices and the most popular conceptualized by Global WFM Chartered Body (GWFM). Get ready for the experience of a lifetime and Please block your calendar to listen and network with Strategic Leaders and Global Workforce Management Experts

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America Chapter's WFM Summit 2023 invites you to be part of the WFM Think-Tank Platform

GWFM events are an unrivalled experience — a place where you’ll access the most timely advice, actionable news, and WFM Leader’s peer insights to adapt faster and stay ahead of change.